
Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Health reading group task.


This week for our reading group work I read a  story called our first olympians and I had to peck 3 of the 9 questions and answes them on a  blog post .

Interesting Fact: The most interesting thing about the story that I read this week for our reading group work was that the girl Violet had to explained  to a sport writer that she wanted to carry on swimming but'' in those days, you did what your father said'.

 How: Ted Morgan, Yvette Williams, Violet Wilson, & Darcy Hadfield 

What: Our first New Zealand olympians.

When: 1920

Where: Antwerp, Belgium.

Why : Because before 1920, we had either joined with Australia to send a term or we had not sent anyone at all.

1. How old was the youngest swimmer in the Olympics ? 15 years old Violet.

2. How was the first athlete to win an Olympic medal as part of a New Zealand team ? Darcy Hadfield.

3. What is New Zealand most successful Olympics sport? Rowing. 

Thank you for reading my blog post bye!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elektra

    Thanks for sharing your Reading work this week! Did you enjoy the topic? I thought it was something fun to learn about with the Olympics and Paralympics in the news recently!

    - Miss Birtch


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